Rainbow Montessori A Journey that touched a million lives!
Inauguration & formed Vibgyor Education society with the education of preprimary children and promotion of teaching aids for children.
Aneeta Nahar started Rainbow Montessori Training Centre on a path to train the next generation of pre-primary teacher
Rainbow Montessori is affiliated by ITES Mumbai and International Montessori Standards.
Rainbow Montessori is rated as the best teachers training centre in all of Nagpur. With 100% job placement and especially designed Montessori curriculum.
Rainbow Montessori is the top-rated Montessori Training Center in Central India with our students being accepted pan India and by international educational institutes. We're slowly going digital & global.

Rainbow Graduates in the Society
The Rainbow experience is a dedicated, integrated Montessori journey crafted specifically for each of our teachers. Rainbow graduates are confident learners, who understand themselves and the children. Our cutting-edge curriculum, grounded in the proven methodology of Montessori education, paired with our robust auxiliary offerings creates passionate learners who understand their role in society